Independent yoghurt.
Hi! I’m Jói Sigurdsson.
Jói is pronounced YO-i. YO as in yoghurt, i as in independent. That’s me. Independent yoghurt.
I’ve spent over 23 years in the software industry, thereof almost 10 at Google working on products such as Google Desktop and Google Chrome, and the rest working on various startups, way before it was cool. When I left Google in 2014, my plan was to spend lots of time working on startups that may or may not succeed, may or may not change the world, and may or may not provide free lunch and on-site massages, but would probably be fun. In a way I was going back to my roots.
Crazy, huh?
This blog documents my post-Google journey. My startup that I founded soon after leaving Google is called CrankWheel. It does specialized screen sharing for sales teams - people who are on the phone all day talking to prospects, and could sell better by using visuals. Here’s CrankWheel’s marketing page if you want to know more, and you can see some details about the genesis of CrankWheel here .