I’m Jói Sigurdsson. Welcome to my personal homepage! Yes, this is an old school homepage like people used to have at the dawn of the web where I write what I want, republish some stuff I’ve written here and there around the Interwebs, and get up to any other shenanigans that I feel like.
GitHub and Sentry have perfect invoice filenames
Easter egg hunt / páskaratleikur 2024
AWS System Reachability Check Failed
Holiday side project 2023: Turtles
GPT-4 is a passable personal nutritionist
Bear-ly a CMS: Publishing joisig.com from my note-taking app
A Chrome bug affects 3-5% of users of 5+ popular extensions. Help hunt it down!
Stellar way to roll back PostgreSQL during development
Preparing For The Future Of Work - interview by Phil La Duke
No, your AWS administrator account isn’t missing s3:PutBucketPolicy
Ritz chicken
Icelandic patent pending pancakes
Advent of Code 2020
Looking back at 100 releases of screen sharing for sales - CrankWheel
23 rules to run a software startup with minimum hassle
The spiderweb entrepreneur
Avocado and ham eggs benedict
To prevent climate catastrophe, look to the founding of the UN
Deep domain expertise but no CTO? Here's a guide to hiring one
GDPR: The Quick and Dirty Guide to Getting Compliant for Startups and Small Business
Pitching your startup: Lessons learned
The $0 Subscription Startup Stack – Part 2: Start selling
The $0 Subscription Startup Stack — Part 1: Build a product
Speech for Startup Reykjavik 2015 Mentors
Why CrankWheel, and why Iceland?
Introducing CrankWheel
Why I left Google